Hybrid courts are a concept that aims to combine different elements to provide flexibility and variety in the use of a sports facility. The specific concept of a hybrid court can vary depending on the design, location, and intended purposes of use.

Court dimensions:

A hybrid court combines features of different sports or uses innovative technologies. Here are some points that characterise hybrid courts:

Flexibility of settings:

Hybrid courts are designed with multiple sports in mind, allowing for flexible customisation of settings. This could include variable line markings, adjustable nets or different facility configurations.

A combination of different disciplines:

Hybrid courts combine features of different sports, for example tennis, squash, volleyball, basketball or badminton. Such a facility allows for a variety of sporting activities on one site.

Interactive technologies:

Hybrid courts can make use of interactive technologies such as sensors, touch screens or graphic visualisations. This can provide additional information and offer an interactive experience for players.

Adaptation to different skill levels:

Hybrid courts can be designed to adapt to different skill levels of players, offering opportunities for both professionals and beginners.

Configurable markings:

The markings on the hybrid courts can be configurable, allowing the playing field to be adapted to the different specifications and requirements of each sport.

Personalisation and branding:

Premium courts can be customised to suit the client’s individual preferences and can also be associated with a particular brand, emphasising their exclusivity.


In addition to their sporting functions, hybrid courts can be adapted for a variety of purposes, such as hosting events or other recreational activities.

Exclusive events and tournaments:

. Hybrid courts can be used for exclusive sporting events and tournaments, attracting professional players and spectators.


ul. Chmielka 10, 32-050 Skawina

+48 505 105 152
+48 515 744 887


112 St Margarets, Stevenage SG2 8RE

  +48 515 744 887


Urb. Alicate Playa, Fase 4, Avda. del Gaviero
29603 Marbella

  +48 515 744 887