Paddle – a racquet sport. In the United States and Canada, the sport is known as paddle. Padel incorporates elements of both tennis and squash.

The sport originated in Acapulco in Mexico. It was developed by Enrique Corcuera in 1969.The main initiator of the development of padel was Alfonso de Hohenloh, who built the first court at Club Marbella in Spain. The game has become the second most popular sport in the country after football.

In Poland, the Polish Paddle Federation was established. In 2017, a national team was established, which made its debut at the European Championships in Portugal that same year[1].

The name ‘paddle’ comes from the word ‘paddle’. The second name is ‘paddle tennis’, it derives from the racket because it was made of wood and was shaped like a paddle.

Types of courts


The most robust court – innovation at a high level

This is no ordinary court. It is a unique construction that stands for durability and an innovative approach to the game of paddle. Our court stands out as the most durable, thanks to a unique modularity system that raises the bar against the competition.

Join a club where padel never stops and innovation becomes the standard. Our court is more than a structure – it is a symbol of strength, durability and endless passion for the game of padel.


PAORAMA. Broad Horizons of Sporting Passion.

Our courts offer a unique experience that stands out from the rest. It is the centrepiece that dominates the stage, providing maximum visibility for both players and fascinated spectators.

Welcome to the courts, where the paddle experience takes on a new dimension and every move becomes an essential moment on stage. It’s more than a game – it’s an immersive journey into a world of passion and sporting excellence.


TOURNAMENT. Where Talent Meets Passion.

This is the place where young athletes become champions and passion meets determination. A court designed for tournaments, it is a true masterpiece for those who aspire to the ultimate sporting experience.

We invite you to the TOURNAMENT – a place where the game takes on a unique meaning and passion meets triumph.


Where Winning Depends Only on You.

Singles padel courts are arenas where single players compete in dynamic and strategic duels. All elements of the court work together to create optimal conditions for singles play.

Paddle rules

The game of padel is played on a court with an artificial surface, measuring 20×10 meters. Currently, most padel courts have a fence made of wire mesh with “meshes”. The back and part of the side walls are made of tempered glass or concrete blocks. The surface of a classic tennis court accommodates three padel courts.

The balls are similar to tennis balls, but less resilient, and therefore bounce lower. A padel racquet has no tension like a tennis racquet, and is made of very lightweight, durable materials, such as carbon fiber. It must have an inflexible string attached to the handle, which is obligatorily put over the wrist as a safety device during the game. The dimensions of the racket must not exceed 45.5 cm in length, 26 cm in width and 38 mm in thickness. In the plane of the head there are usually about 60 holes with a diameter of 13 mm each. According to the guidelines of the International Padla Federation, at least one hole is mandato

A padl match is divided into sets, they into games, which consist of points. The goal of the game is to win two sets. Points are counted as in a tennis match. The game of each set begins with a serve, which in a paddle is performed “from the bottom.” The serving player bounces the ball against the ground and then punches it diagonally onto the service diamond of the rivals. At the moment of contact with the racket, the ball must be below the waist line of the serving player.[3] During the exchange, the ball can bounce only once against the court surface, and then it must be punched by the player to the other side of the net – to the opponent. The player has a free choice whether to play the ball right out of the air or wait for the ball to hit from the court surface. The ball must hit the court surface accurately, without first hitting the metal net or wall on the rivals’ side of the court (it is allowed to bounce the ball against the wall on your own side of the court). After hitting the court surface, the ball may bounce off the fence (wire mesh) and/or the court wall. If the ball hits the wire mesh before it is returned to the opponent – the point is scored by the opponent. The same happens if the ball, after hitting the court, returns to the rivals’ side on its own, without contact with the racket, and if it flies off the court and touches the ground. The game is played according to the described rules until the ball bounces more than once on the surface of either side or hits the net dividing the court or other rules of the game are broken.

Additional information


The padel court is a rectangle 10 meters wide and 20 meters long. There is a net in the middle of the court. On both sides and parallel to the net at a distance of 6.95 meters are service lines. The zone between the net with the service lines is divided in half by a perpendicular line called the central service line. The central service line must extend 20 centimeters beyond the service line. Referring to the surface and line layout, both halves of the court must be absolutely symmetrical. All lines must be 5 centimeters wide. The color of the lines should be white or black, for better contrast with the color of the court surface. The minimum height, within which there must be no elements, is 6 meters.


The net must be 10 meters long. It must rise 88 centimeters high in the middle and 92 centimeters high at the ends; with a maximum tolerance of 5 millimeters. The net is suspended from a metal rope with a maximum diameter of 1 centimeter; the ends are attached to two side posts with a maximum height of 1.05 meters. The mechanism used to tighten the rope in the net must be designed so that it cannot come loose unexpectedly or pose a risk to players. The outside of the net posts should coincide with the side boundaries of the court (opening, entrance or metal fence). They can be round or square, but must have rounded edges. Once in place, the net must be covered with a white strip measuring 5.0 to 6.3 centimeters, with a tension wire underneath. The net must be completely stretched so that it fills the space between the two net posts and the court surface, and there must be no gaps between the ends of the net and the posts. However, it should not be stretched to the maximum.The net must be made of synthetic fiber, and the weave must be narrow enough so that the ball cannot pass through it.


Balls used in official competitions shall be balls approved by the International Padla Federation (FIP). The ball should be a rubber ball with a uniform outer surface in white or yellow. Its diameter should measure between 6.35 and 6.77 centimeters and weigh between 56.0 and 59.4 grams. The bounce should measure between 135 and 145 centimeters when the ball is lowered onto a hard surface from a height of 2.54 meters. The ball must have an internal pressure of between 4.6 kg and 5.2 kg per 2.54 square centimeters.

The rocket consists of two components: the head and the handle. The maximum thickness of the handle is 20 centimeters, the maximum width is 50 millimeters, and the maximum thickness is 50 millimeters. The length of the head plus the length of the handle must not exceed 45.5 centimeters, the maximum width is 26 centimeters, and the maximum thickness is 38 millimeters. When measuring the thickness of the racket, a tolerance of 2.5% is allowed.The surface of the racket is perforated (an infinite number of holes of cylindrical shape, sized between 9 and 13 millimeters in the central part. The holes must not be spaced closer than 4 centimeters from the edge. The surface of the racquet must be flat – it can be smooth or rough. The racquet must have an inflexible string with a maximum length of 35 centimeters attached to the handle, which must be worn around the wrist for the duration of the game. Its use is mandatory.