To meet the needs of court users, we decided to introduce new solutions to reduce noise levels. 

This is why we have introduced a new version of the court system called SQUASHTECH PREMIUM, which is a new innovative solution combining the best features of the world’s best systemissions, that is in the caseof the first system fast ball bounce (ease of play) and ease of use for the investor (the panels are not painted with paint but have a special easily washable outer layer which means they are easy to clean, plus they are resistant to the impact of balls, racquets and do not need to be plastered and painted every so often) and in pthe case of the second system slightly lower noise levels generated during play is the “golden mean” i.e. reduced noise levels without sacrificing playability and ease of use of the system. It differs in the construction of the front court wall. Instead of the classic aluminium and steel construction, it has an internal wooden construction filled with EPDM soundproofing granules. This essentially reduces the noise level generated during play. The side walls are filled with mineral wool or granulate. The new system is labelled SQUASHTECH PREMIUM to distinguish it from the existing courts (marketing advantage for those installing this new system ).

Court dimensions:

A premium court is a sports product of the highest quality, providing excellent playing and comfort conditions for both professional and amateur athletes. Below I outline some of the key features of a premium court in a few bullet points:

Top-quality materials:

The premium courts are made of the latest and highest quality materials, such as special coatings on the floor, durable wall elements or innovative architectural solutions that raise quality standards.

Elegant design:

Premium courts feature a sleek and modern design that can be adapted to the latest trends in sports architecture, while creating an aesthetically pleasing and inspiring environment.

Advanced technologies:

Premium courts can utilise the latest technology, such as movement monitoring systems, data analysis, interactive screens or intelligent lighting to improve the quality of play and training.

Special coatings and surfaces:

The premium court floor is covered with special coatings or surfaces that provide excellent ball bounce, reduce friction and increase durability.

Personalisation and branding:

Premium courts can be customised according to the customer’s individual preferences and can also be associated with a specific brand, which emphasises their exclusivity.

Flexibility of configuration:

. The premium courts are designed with configuration flexibility in mind, allowing settings to be adapted for different types of play, tournaments or special events.

Exclusive events and tournaments:

. Premium courts can be used for exclusive sporting events and tournaments, attracting professional players and spectators.

Premium courts represent the pinnacle of sports facilities, offering not only excellent playing conditions but also raising standards of aesthetics, technology and user comfort.


ul. Chmielka 10, 32-050 Skawina
+48 505 105 152
+48 515 744 887


112 St Margarets, Stevenage SG2 8RE
  +48 515 744 887


Urb. Alicate Playa, Fase 4, Avda. del Gaviero
29603 Marbella
  +48 515 744 887