The Rainbow squash court is an innovative solution that combines sporting elements with aesthetics to create an attractive and dynamic place to play.

Court dimensions:

The interactive squash court is a modern innovation that uses technology to enhance the playing experience. Here are some features that characterise the interactive squash court in a few points:

Variety of Colours:

A coloured squash court can use a variety of colours on the playing surface, walls or line markings. The availability of multiple colours allows the creation of an attractive and dynamic space.

Aesthetics and Design:

These courts are designed with aesthetics in mind and their design often emphasises creativity and modernity. Colourful patterns or graphics on the playing surface can provide visually appealing elements.

Improve the Game Experience

. Coloured courts can further enhance the overall game experience by introducing visual elements that add excitement and dynamism to the game.

Application of Lighting Technology:

. Coloured courts can use lighting technology to highlight the chosen colour or allow colours to be changed during different events or tournaments.

Easier Ball Visibility:

. Coloured courts can improve ball visibility, especially when the ball is a colour that contrasts with the ground colour. This can be particularly important for players of different skill levels.


ul. Chmielka 10, 32-050 Skawina

+48 505 105 152
+48 515 744 887


112 St Margarets, Stevenage SG2 8RE

  +48 515 744 887


Urb. Alicate Playa, Fase 4, Avda. del Gaviero
29603 Marbella

  +48 515 744 887